Data analytics platform is a secure, opensource, ubiquitous data analysis platform. LibreDataHub is a meta-project that integrates several open-source projects into a practical, secure, turnkey solution. LibreDataHub is easy to install on a Linux server.

Get Started

LibreDataHub provides free tools for data warehousing, decentralized AI, statistics, machine learning (ML) and Deep Learning.

LibreDataHub is a scalable, modular, opensource and collaborative IT meta-project. LibreDataHub is assembled by healthcare data processing experts from the InterHop association.

LibreDataHub can be freely installed on a Linux machine (Debian, for example).

LibreDataHub is a project developed and maintained by the InterHop association.

About the project

Libre Data Hub is © 2021-2024 by InterHop.

How to test libredatahub online ?

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Libre Data Hub WebSite is distributed by an MIT license.