Architecture diagram

Shiny Proxy

Shinyproxy is a Java application for deploying applications. Resources (CPU and RAM) are shared between users.

The principle: the user connects to your Shinyproxy, clicks on the Shiny application he wishes to run, a docker container of the application is launched and the application is displayed in the user’s browser. The following applications are installed within LibreDataHub’s Shiny Proxy:

  • Metabase
  • LinkR
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • RStudio
  • CloudBeaver
  • SchemaSpy


Metabase is a versatile Business Intelligence (BI) tool for data visualization, suitable for a wide range of users, for data exploration, analysis, and decision-making support.


At the heart of LibreDataHub lies LinkR, an open-source web application developed by InterHop.

LinkR enables users to access, manipulate and analyze healthcare data with low-code tools, i.e. without the need for extensive programming skills. LinkR uses the common data model OMOP to facilitate code exchange between multiple centers.

It provides both a graphical interface for clinicians and a programming environment for data scientists, making it ideal for collaborative healthcare projects.


Jupyter is a web application used to program in over 40 programming languages, including Python, Julia, Ruby, R and Scala2. Jupyter lets you create notebooks, i.e. programs containing both Markdown text and code in Julia, Python, R… These code notebooks are used in data science to explore and analyze data.


CloudBeaver is a lightweight web application for working with different types of databases, all through a single, secure cloud solution accessible via a browser.

Schema Spy

SchemaSpy is designed to simplify the understanding and documentation of database schemas. It generates detailed reports and interactive diagrams of database structure, helping analysts and researchers to easily navigate complex databases. This tool is particularly useful for understanding the relationships between different data tables and ensuring data integrity.


For data visualization and real-time monitoring, LibreDataHub integrates Grafana, an open-source web application that lets users create dynamic, customizable dashboards to visualize data. LibreDataHub uses Graphana to monitor its technical infrastructure.


LibreDataHub also includes DuckDB, an opensource database management system designed for data analysis.

Its support for columnar storage formats such as Parquet enables seamless integration with other LibreDataHub components, such as Jupyter Notebooks or LinkR, enabling high-performance data queries directly in the search environment.